Obstacles To Psychoanalytic Progress
Unfortunately something else happens as well. üne can only give one's impressions in de-scribing this second result. Hostility on the one hand and partisanship on the other create an at-mosphere unfavourable to objective investigation. it does look as if a number of analysts learn to apply defence-mechanisms which enable them to divert the conclusions and requirements of analysis from themselves, probably by applying them to others. They themselves remain as they are and evade the critical and corrective influence of anal-ysis. Perhaps this confirms the dictum of a writer who warns us that it is hard for a mortal who ac-quires power not to misuse it.
Unfortunately something else happens as well. üne can only give one's impressions in de-scribing this second result. Hostility on the one hand and partisanship on the other create an at-mosphere unfavourable to objective investigation. it does look as if a number of analysts learn to apply defence-mechanisms which enable them to divert the conclusions and requirements of analysis from themselves, probably by applying them to others. They themselves remain as they are and evade the critical and corrective influence of anal-ysis. Perhaps this confirms the dictum of a writer who warns us that it is hard for a mortal who ac-quires power not to misuse it.