Three Men In a Boat

There were four of us: George, and William Samuel Harris, and myself, and Montmorency the dog. We were sitting in my room, smoking, and talking about how bad we felt-bad from a medical point of view, I mean, of course.
We were all feeling unwell, and we were getting quite nervous about it. We sat there for half an hour, describing to each other our illnesses.
I explained to George and William Harris how I felt when I got up in the morning, and William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed; and George stood on the fireside rug and gave us a clever piece of acting, as an example of how he felt in the night.
Otto-Classics Graded Readers Series are outstanding classics written by famous writers. The language and vocabulary in the books are controlled and simplified by specialist ELT authors and compilers according to Common European Framework so that they can be easily understood by new learners of English.
Depending on the eight levels from A1 to B2+, the longer stories are divided into a number of chapters and every chapter has its own activities. Some of the activities in the books are meant to be done in pairs. You may work with a partner to solve problems and design projects that reflect not only your own thinking but also new ideas you and your mates will discover by working in groups.
There were four of us: George, and William Samuel Harris, and myself, and Montmorency the dog. We were sitting in my room, smoking, and talking about how bad we felt-bad from a medical point of view, I mean, of course.
We were all feeling unwell, and we were getting quite nervous about it. We sat there for half an hour, describing to each other our illnesses.
I explained to George and William Harris how I felt when I got up in the morning, and William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed; and George stood on the fireside rug and gave us a clever piece of acting, as an example of how he felt in the night.
Otto-Classics Graded Readers Series are outstanding classics written by famous writers. The language and vocabulary in the books are controlled and simplified by specialist ELT authors and compilers according to Common European Framework so that they can be easily understood by new learners of English.
Depending on the eight levels from A1 to B2+, the longer stories are divided into a number of chapters and every chapter has its own activities. Some of the activities in the books are meant to be done in pairs. You may work with a partner to solve problems and design projects that reflect not only your own thinking but also new ideas you and your mates will discover by working in groups.